AGG Software Forums

Online Help Center => Data loggers and plug-ins => Topic started by: MrCurryLover on September 16, 2014, 01:03:18 PM

Title: Advanced TCP/IP service
Post by: MrCurryLover on September 16, 2014, 01:03:18 PM

I am running Advanced TCP/IP logger as a service on Server 2012, it logs on as a local system account and it has access to interact with the desktop and mostly it works well. The issue I have is if there is a problem with data being received and I want to see if the data is coming and being sent to the database, I can't check it as I can't open the GUI without first stopping the service and then re-opening the program as administrator. This is OK but then I have closed and opened the program as a different user (which may resolve the issue, so I don't know what caused it), also when I then try to close the program and restart it as a service it doesn't always start up properly and start logging. Yesterday when I did this I spent hours trying to find out why it wasn't logging data and in the end I had to re-register the sqldb_pro.dll.


Title: Re: Advanced TCP/IP service
Post by: Arthur Grasin on September 16, 2014, 06:51:51 PM
Yes, I can confirm that the wrongly registered SQL plugin may prevent loading of the main program.

Title: Re: Advanced TCP/IP service
Post by: MrCurryLover on September 17, 2014, 11:42:34 AM
Hi Arthur,
The SQL plugin had been working fine and had been correctly registered previously but for some reason registering it again resolved the issue.

Title: Re: Advanced TCP/IP service
Post by: Arthur Grasin on September 17, 2014, 11:56:19 AM
The registration might be broken if computer hardware has been changed or by other reason.