AGG Software Forums

Online Help Center => Data loggers and plug-ins => Topic started by: mohan on December 23, 2014, 07:35:16 AM

Title: SNIFF RFID reader output
Post by: mohan on December 23, 2014, 07:35:16 AM
Hi All,

I want to send the TCP output of an RFID reader to SQL database.  Initially I want to analyze the data received from the RFID reader.  I directed the TCP output of the RFID reader to a TCP port in the PC and analyzed through PORT PEEKER, it displays the TAG id sent by the RFID reader. While trying with Advanced TCP logger the output is junk characters?? 

output of PORT PEEKER : 10020 TCP Data In Length 8 bytes
MD5 = 983742DE68ADDAFED24FD0830EA38B39
---- 22/12/2014 20:46:38.640
0000   07 00 EE 00 15 60 46 86                           .....`F. : 10020 TCP Data In Length 8 bytes
MD5 = 04174099DBBABC9295E30C80BC4B9E27
---- 22/12/2014 20:46:59.812
0000   07 00 EE 00 10 01 71 8A                           ......q.       

Title: Re: SNIFF RFID reader output
Post by: Arthur Grasin on December 23, 2014, 11:39:06 AM
Your reader sends the Tag ID in the binary format. It is necessary to know a data exchange protocol do decode this binary data. Do you have the corresponding document?

Title: Re: SNIFF RFID reader output
Post by: mohan on December 23, 2014, 02:17:14 PM
Communication Protocol

Len   Adr   reCmd   Status   Data[]   LSB-CRC16   MSB-CRC16

Len   1   Byte
Response data block length 1 byte (not including itself). The number of Len equals the length of Data [] plus 5.

Adr   1   Byte
Reader address, 1 byte. Value rang is 0~254.

reCmd   1   Byte
Response command symbol, 1 byte. If the command is unrecognized, the reCmd is 0x00.

Status   1   Byte
Result status value, 1byte. Refer to following table for details.

Data[]   Variable   Response data. There is no this item if Len equals 5.

LSB-CRC16   1   Byte
CRC16 LSB .CRC-16 checksum, 2 bytes with least significant byte first.

MSB-CRC16   1   Byte

Title: Re: SNIFF RFID reader output
Post by: Arthur Grasin on December 23, 2014, 03:08:23 PM
Please, send the full document and RFID reader name to support _at_ and we'll develop a parser for you. Is it necessary to send requests to the reader?

Title: Re: SNIFF RFID reader output
Post by: mohan on December 26, 2014, 08:12:05 AM
I have mailed u the protocol document, expecting ur response.