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Online Help Center => Advanced Serial Port Monitor => Topic started by: hodietel on April 05, 2016, 12:34:04 PM

Title: Problem using plugin 'Binary protocol simple emulator'
Post by: hodietel on April 05, 2016, 12:34:04 PM

I want to emulate a measurement instrument connectet to com1:
When I send "ID?<CR><LF>" from a terminal emulation to the instrument, it answers with an ID-string.
I have configured in the plugin: Request: ID?#0D#0A and Answer: SOMETHING#0D#0A and use the monitor in spy modus with the plugin open. I have a german installation, version 4.4.6 build 324.
I had no success so far also using other combinations for request/answer.

Does anybody have any idea?


Title: Re: Problem using plugin 'Binary protocol simple emulator'
Post by: Arthur Grasin on April 05, 2016, 01:58:13 PM
Hello Horst,

I've tested this plugin with your request and answer, using 2 instances of Advanced Serial Port Monitor and the program works as expected.

If you type this request manually in the terminal program then it will not work, because the plugin has a timeout (about 500 ms) between bytes.

Title: Re: Problem using plugin 'Binary protocol simple emulator'
Post by: hodietel on April 05, 2016, 03:51:30 PM

it looks like as you use 2 port monitors in manual mode with the plugin. I have a program on my pc which I want to test against an emulated instrument on a com port. So I used the spymode. When I look into the source code of the plugin there is the following statement in the function OnDataExchange:

if DataSent or (DataSize<=0)then exit; // for example, if the program works in the spy mode

does that mean, I cannot use the spy modus?
BTW is it possible to get the SDK library (I have Delphi XE)


Title: Re: Problem using plugin 'Binary protocol simple emulator'
Post by: Arthur Grasin on April 05, 2016, 03:55:44 PM
In the Spy mode the program cannot sent anything to the port. Therefore, this plugin will not work in the Spy mode.

Title: Re: Problem using plugin 'Binary protocol simple emulator' --> Solved
Post by: hodietel on April 05, 2016, 07:30:05 PM
OK, I got it.
Now I use a free virtual serial port emulator, configured 2 bridged ports, on the one end my program, on tho other end the Advanced Serial Port Monitor with ASCII-Plugin in manual mode.
Works fine. :)

Problem solved.
