AGG Software Forums

Online Help Center => Data loggers and plug-ins => Topic started by: sshowers on July 23, 2009, 12:28:13 AM

Title: Advanced Serial Data Logger Question
Post by: sshowers on July 23, 2009, 12:28:13 AM
I am evaluating the ASDL product to try to capture data being sent to a serial dot-matrix printer (OKI ML390+) from a building access control (card reader) system.  The system currently prints a line of text to the printer every time someone swipes their card to get into the building.  My goal, eventually, is to insert this "line" of text into a SQL table.

I have installed a serial tap between the card reader and the printer from which I am able to capture data.  I'm having an issue, however, with the data coming out of the stream.  What shows up on the printer as:

     0869 JUL 22 09 09:24:51 LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME     ACCESS   DV4   Card Reader

Is being captured off the serial port (in ASDL) as:


Is there something simple I've misconfigured?  I'm sure this is a total "nube" question; but I would apprecate any guidance you can offer anyway...

Title: Re: Advanced Serial Data Logger Question
Post by: Arthur Grasin on July 23, 2009, 07:35:11 AM
It seems that you selected a wrong baud rate. Also verify that you've connected TX line of your access control system to RX pin of the computer's serial port.

Title: Re: Advanced Serial Data Logger Question
Post by: sshowers on July 23, 2009, 05:01:37 PM
Thank you!  You were absolutely correct about it being the wrong baud rate.  Once I verified the printer's setup and set the baud rate correctly I started receiving non-garbled data.

It seems that, once again, the internet (specifically DSL and the fact that I've not touced a modem in more than 12 years) has killed brain cells I used to rely on regularly.  Or maybe it was the bourbon.

Now, on to testing data inserts into SQL Server...

Thanks again!