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Online Help Center => Data loggers and plug-ins => Topic started by: JWags on August 04, 2009, 12:17:35 AM

Title: Advanced PBX Data Logger Comdial FX
Post by: JWags on August 04, 2009, 12:17:35 AM

I am currently evaluating your software for use with a Comdial FX system.  The closest match that I can find in the Comdial DXP, but there are a couple of fields that are incorrect when the data is exported. (Direction isn't populated, the first digit or digits of the phone number are sometimes cut off etc)

Here is a sample of what I see from the phone system:

<2009.08.03 14:06:12.077>
5555   1    08/03/09 14:13    0.3   0.1   555555555                   #0D#0D#0A

Extension - Line? - Time of Call - Call Time - Cost? - Phone Number

Is there someway to add support for Comdial FX?  Maybe by using the ASCII driver?



Title: Re: Advanced PBX Data Logger Comdial FX
Post by: Arthur Grasin on August 04, 2009, 08:15:52 AM
Could you capture this data to a file and attach it? Also it isn't clear how to the call duration is encoded. Is it 0 minutes and 30 second, or 0.3 of one minute.

Title: Re: Advanced PBX Data Logger Comdial FX
Post by: JWags on March 28, 2011, 10:00:00 AM
Hi Arthur,

Please see the attached file.  Also it is .3 of a minute.  So the time column is in tenths of a minute.



Title: Re: Advanced PBX Data Logger Comdial FX
Post by: Arthur Grasin on March 31, 2011, 10:00:00 AM
Please, unpack the attached file to Program folder\Plugins\pbxparser\Config (near other files with the xmlz extension) and restart the program. Then you may select the parser for your PBX. Please, let me know about results.

Title: Re: Advanced PBX Data Logger Comdial FX
Post by: JWags on August 05, 2009, 07:56:19 PM
Hi Arthur,

The file you supplied is almost perfect, but there are two small things.

1.) The Duration field seems to be putting the Duration_S value into the month spot in the Duration field rather than in the seconds or minutes. (Duration_S is correct).

2.) The Direction field is always showing Out.

I have attached an example export from the database.  Rows without a 1 in front of the value in the DIALED_PHONE column are incoming calls.  Rows with the 1 in front are outgoing calls.

3.) Randomly I receive either one or both of the following errors:

05/08/09 13:14:57 Comdial FX. Item: RING. Error occurred while converting date/time string value "0" with the template "" (Invalid argument to date encode)
05/08/09 13:14:57 Comdial FX. Item: CALL_DURATION. Error occurred while converting date/time string value "780" with the template "" (On format: D/YYYY H:MM:SS AMPM string: 0)

Thank you for all your help.


Title: Re: Advanced PBX Data Logger Comdial FX
Post by: Arthur Grasin on August 06, 2009, 01:07:37 PM
I suppose that the "Cost?" field in your data example is the "Ring" field. Therefore our parser detects incoming/outgoing calls by this field. If "Ring"<>0, then the call is incoming. If this isn't correct, then we'll update the parser. About the problem with the "CALL_TIME" field. We need a data example. It is possible the parser should not handle some rows. I've verified the "Duration" field and it contains the valid value with your data example. The slightly updated parser is attached.