AGG Software Forums

Online Help Center => Data loggers and plug-ins => Topic started by: brokentesting on April 15, 2011, 10:00:00 AM

Title: Questions regarding Advanced Modem Data Logger
Post by: brokentesting on April 15, 2011, 10:00:00 AM,

Just prior to purchasing your Advanced Modem Data Logger I have
some questions that need answering please.

Can your Advanced Modem Data Logger read from sound files?

Can it monitor / Log V.22/V.22bis modems?

Do you have a plugin for the ISO8353 standard?

I am interested in your Advanced Modem Data Logger Software, but wanted it to
have the same features as the ModemAnalyzer 1.1 which can be found here:


Here is a .PDF file of the Modem Analyzer Software:


Some simple details of the Modem Analyzer Software are listed below:


Realise on sound-card

The Modem Analyser software working with physical link signals from communication line.

The software consist of demodulate, decoding and analysing (visual) unit.

The demodulation unit has adjusting options of carrier frequency, modulation type (QPSK, QAM16), baud rates. The unit of decoding action is purposed for descrambling and decryption’s of demodulate data. The unit allows carrying out tunings of various format protocols of transmitted data and tunings of any decoding tables such as ASCII, EBCDIC, etc.

There are turned out descrambler, and also adjustabilitys of the synchronous, asynchronous decoding action with arbitrary structure of a data word and load different code tables that allows to analyses and recognizes not only standard modem formats.During operation there is a displaying of bit structure in a graphical window and result of decoding action of input data stream in a text window with simultaneous recording to output text file.

Short description

    * Frequencies range : 0 … 22050 Hz.
    * Baud rate : 600… 2400 baud.
    * Analysed/decode protocol : ITU-T V22, ITU-T V22bis.
    * Visualisation:
          o Spectrum analyzer;
          o Detect envelope oscope;
          o Constellation scope;
          o Bit stream graph window;
          o Decoding text window;
          o Decoder dialog.
    * System requirements:
          o PC: Pentium II 400 MHz, RAM 32ÌB, Sound card.
          o Operational systems: Win95, Win98, WinMe, Win2000, XP.

Can your software work like the above Modem Analyzer 1.1?

If not, can you implement the same features as the Modem Analyzer 1.1 into
your Advanced Modem Data Logger?

How much would it cost me to obtain your Advanced Modem Data Logger Software with the
Voronuk Modem Analyzer 1.1 Features?

Please reply at your earliest opportunity and thank you in advance! :)

Yours Truly,
Sean Jones

Title: Re: Questions regarding Advanced Modem Data Logger
Post by: Arthur Grasin on August 16, 2009, 08:29:26 AM
I'm sorry, but our software is used for data collection from remote devices and can't be used as you described.