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Online Help Center => Advanced Serial Port Monitor => Topic started by: on November 03, 2009, 02:05:25 PM

Title: Extreamly slow monitor output / solved
Post by: on November 03, 2009, 02:05:25 PM
Hi, I'm using the monitor to record traffic between an external device and a program on the same machine were I run the monitor. I use a USB serial port adapeter which I also used when using version 3.5 of the monitor. I bought the new version of the monitor since my computer crashed and so on. However, now the display and I beleive the proticol file output works extreamly slow. Long after I disconnect the cable the monitor keeps indicating it receives data, like in 1200 baud. Same thing on both Vista an XP. The actual communication works fine but as it is I have no use for the monitor.
Any clue?

/Anders :)

Title: Re: Extreamly slow monitor output
Post by: Arthur Grasin on November 03, 2009, 02:17:55 PM
Are you using the program on a x86 or x64 system?

Title: Re: Extreamly slow monitor output
Post by: on November 03, 2009, 03:10:22 PM
x86 system. Same machine I used with version 3.5.

Title: Re: Extreamly slow monitor output
Post by: Arthur Grasin on November 03, 2009, 03:28:31 PM
Please, download the new version of the driver here and replace the original file in windows\system32\drivers folder with the new file from the archive. Then, please, reboot the PC.

Please, let me know about results.

Title: Re: Extreamly slow monitor output
Post by: on November 23, 2011, 11:00:00 AM
No luck.
One thing I find strange is that the status bar at the bottom always shows Bytes received: 1, and that will ofcourse slowthings down if interrupting on every byte.
Now when it finally has stopped it shows Bytes sent: 15, but when I received a message of 275 bytes it kept showing "Bytes reveived: 1".

Title: Re: Extreamly slow monitor output
Post by: Arthur Grasin on November 23, 2011, 11:00:00 AM
Unfortunately, we can't reproduce this problem and solve it. Does this problem appear with other serial ports?

Title: Re: Extreamly slow monitor output
Post by: on November 23, 2011, 11:00:00 AM
Sorry, there was obviously something I forgot. Since I last used aspmon version 3.5 some years ago, I also got a new version of the component I'm using for reading the port. Earlier version must have been using an internal buffer since my code is reading 1 byte from that component. I have just changed my code to use a buffer in which to read all bytes ready at once, and then ofcourse aspmon works like I used to see it.

Title: Re: Extreamly slow monitor output / solved
Post by: Arthur Grasin on November 23, 2011, 11:00:00 AM
Is it possible you can send us your non-optimized application and we'll test our software with it?