AGG Software Forums

Online Help Center => Data loggers and plug-ins => Topic started by: Steve Sturdevant on February 15, 2010, 11:58:16 PM

Title: Adv Serial Data Logger
Post by: Steve Sturdevant on February 15, 2010, 11:58:16 PM
I'm trying to use the ASDL with a Air Quality meter.  Rae systems QRAE.

I can't seem to get a response on COM 6.  When I use Hyperterminal to COM 6 and type "r" I get the correct response.  I configured the ASCII data query plugin to specify a request
that  contains R.
Here are the config screens:


Title: Re: Adv Serial Data Logger
Post by: Arthur Grasin on February 16, 2010, 02:26:08 AM
Is it possible you need to activate hardware flow control? Could you download our Advanced Serial Port Monitor and monitor in the spy mode data exchange between HT and your device?

Title: Re: Adv Serial Data Logger
Post by: Steve Sturdevant on February 16, 2010, 04:31:41 PM
I don't see any data interchange, however if I go to manual and put a r in the send block, click send, I get back the data just as I want it.


Title: Re: Adv Serial Data Logger
Post by: Arthur Grasin on February 17, 2010, 08:54:14 AM
Did you compare flow control settings in the data logger and the monitor? Could you create a backup copy of your logger configuration (from the File menu) and attach it here (just change file extension to txt before).

Title: Re: Adv Serial Data Logger
Post by: Steve Sturdevant on February 17, 2010, 09:07:07 PM
Here is the config file.  The monitor was set up without flowcontrol.

Port number=9999
Spy mode=True
Custom bauds=
Data bits=0
Stop bits=0
RS485 mode=False
Use DTR=True
Use RTS=True
Require DSR=False
Require CTS=False
SW flowcontrol type=0
Xon char=r
Xoff char=#13
In size=12
Out size=12
Flush buffer=True
Try to open port again=True
Reopen port after=30

COM port initialization=37319.0416666667
COM reinit=0

Rotation=Y||N||C:\Rae Systems||2||HHDDMMYYYY||Prefix||log||0||N||N||N||N||12:00:00 AM||10000||1||0%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A
Rotation selected=0
Actions on file access error=0
Beep on write error=True
Write event to protocol=False
Error message text=Unable to write to file!
Temporary folder=

After parsing=False
Delete after date=False
Delete after number of files=False
Date old=10
Number of files=10
Date type=0
Stamp prefix=<
Stamp postfix=>

[{CA0A095B-4D98-4C75-8C5A-8CE6A22CA8BD}.Data view]
Output type=0

Display mode 20=1
Display mode 80=2
Display mode FF=2
User format=#%%d
Add date stamp for sended=False
Add date stamp for received=False
Highlight sended data=True
Highlight color=65535
Split timeout=300
Split time=3000
Split characters=#0A

After parsing=True
File begin=False

Query=ASCII data query and parser (default.dll)
Parser=ASCII data query and parser (default.dll)
Parse sended data=True
Parse received data=True
Publication=Direct Excel connection (olexcel.dll)
Events handling=
Filters=Expressions (expressions.dll)

Text mode==qqqq=qqqq=qq
Auto open=True
Friendly name=

[{CA0A095B-4D98-4C75-8C5A-8CE6A22CA8BD}.Data parsers.ASCII data query and parser (default.dll).Common]
Open files dir=
Open files dir filter index=1
Save files dir=
Save files dir filter index=1
Parser config=
Interval between requests=0
Start string=
Start string RE=False
End string=#0D
End string RE=False
Parse full packet=False
String length=0
Min interval=0
Add datetime stamp=False
Add serial port=False
Chars to delete=
Left trim=False
Right trim=False
Date format=DD.MM.YYYY
Time format=HH":"NN":"SS
Date and time format=DD.MM.YYYY HH":"NN":"SS
Use current time=False
Use current date=False
Locale ID=1033
Split by sign characters=True
Split by timeout=False
Split timeout=500
Sign timeout=5000

[{CA0A095B-4D98-4C75-8C5A-8CE6A22CA8BD}.Data parsers.ASCII data query and parser (default.dll).Translation]

[{CA0A095B-4D98-4C75-8C5A-8CE6A22CA8BD}.Data publications.Direct Excel connection (olexcel.dll).Common]
Open files dir=
Open files dir filter index=1
Save files dir=
Save files dir filter index=1
Use exists instance=True
Create new instance=False
If instance is not exists=0
Show instance=True
Use template=True
Delete all data=False
Add number=False
Book prefix=File
Book format=YYYYMMDD
Book postfix=
Create new workbook=False
Load workbook=False
Template file name=C:\Rae Systems\VAMPIRE LOGA.xls
Use workbook=True
Workbook name=Book1
If workbook is not exists create new=True
Save changes on exit=True
Ask before=False
Save last pos=False
Create new sheet=True
Use exists sheet=False
Use existing sheet with name=False
Sheet number=1
If sheet is not exists create new=True
Worksheet prefix=S
Worksheet format=YYYYMMDD
Worksheet postfix=
Use Excel decimal separator=True
Use user float format=False
Use system float format=True
User float format=0,099
Use user time format=False
Use system time format=True
User time format=MM.DD.YYYY HH:NN

[{CA0A095B-4D98-4C75-8C5A-8CE6A22CA8BD}.Other modules.Expressions (expressions.dll).Common]

Title: Re: Adv Serial Data Logger
Post by: Arthur Grasin on February 18, 2010, 10:25:52 AM
Please, disable the "Spy" mode within the datalogger on the "COM Port" page

Title: Re: Adv Serial Data Logger
Post by: Steve Sturdevant on February 19, 2010, 02:10:01 AM
That seems to have done it.
