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Online Help Center => Advanced Serial Port Monitor => Topic started by: StephenR on March 03, 2010, 02:11:26 AM

Title: Scripter Plugin - About (Under Construction)
Post by: StephenR on March 03, 2010, 02:11:26 AM

I'd like to create a solid knowledge base here for details and instructions about the Scripter plugin for Advanced Serial Port Monitor. I hope it will be a single place for questions or comments about the plugin and its capabilities, so that it can be edited and grow.

      Basic Info:

SEND signals - Signals sent to a COM port using the SEND function must have a coded carriage return (^M) appended to them in order to function the same as though they were sent manually through the Port Montor dialogue. For example:
To get the same result as sending pin 5 1 from the manual entry dialogue,
You would need to write in your script:
SEND 'pin 5 1^M'


Iterations - I have trouble getting Scripter to run a code a specified number of times. The only way I have successfully run a code, say, 100 times is by using SET RETRY 100 followed by a WAIT 'x' 1 command that will never succeed (so I can loop back using IF FAIL).
Is there a better way to do this? Is there a method to create incrementing variables?

Variables - What is the best way to create and handle variables. I am sure it is possible using some of the file operating functions. These functions are under "Advanced" in the help file and are not explained in detail. With more information on this topic the capabilities of Scripter could become much more powerful.

Title: Re: Scripter Plugin - About (Under Construction)
Post by: Arthur Grasin on March 03, 2010, 09:52:17 AM
I'm sorry, but the script engine is very simple and was not designed for complex scripts. The main purpose of the script is to initialize program parameters and send some data. You may try our Advanced Serial Data Logger software. This software has a much more powerful script engine, that is implemented in the "Script execute" plugin.