AGG Software Forums

Online Help Center => Data loggers and plug-ins => Topic started by: mramo on December 05, 2010, 07:37:00 PM

Title: TCP/IP data logger - storing events to different MSSQL tables
Post by: mramo on December 05, 2010, 07:37:00 PM
Hi all,

I'm using the Advanced TCP/IP data logger in a way that I'm receiving some event messages from another system via TCP port and storing them to the MS SQL database table (via ODBC connection). For one type of events everything works fine (I'm able to properly parse the data and store it into the table). The problem I have is that I'm receiving several different types of events from the same source which I'd need to store to specific tables within the SQL database. For each of the events I assume I'd need to create specific parsing rules and define binding rules in the ODBC connection module? The problem is that within the existing connection this is not possible and if I try to create a new connection towards the same IP on the same port it's not possible to configure it (which is logical). Is there some kind of plugin available for such cases which I'm not aware of or how should I configure this?

Thank you in advance for your answers.

Title: Re: TCP/IP data logger - storing events to different MSSQL tables
Post by: Arthur Grasin on June 20, 2013, 10:00:00 AM
Unfortunately, our software can't write different events to different tables. You can implement this task using a stored procedure in MSSQL. The SQL Database Prof. plugin can call a stored procedure and the procedure will write data to a necessary table.