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Online Help Center => Data loggers and plug-ins => Topic started by: natisie on September 08, 2017, 02:00:00 PM

Title: Advanced OPC data logger - Siemens s7-1200
Post by: natisie on September 08, 2017, 02:00:00 PM
I am trying to read OPC variables from a S7-1200 PLC.  The problem is that these do not appear in the variables listed by the OPC data logger when connected to the simatic OPC server.  The variable appear as:

OPC.SimaticNET.TCSB.1\TCS:[new project 1.1.101]DB1,REAL*

But the variables that I should read are:
OPC.SimaticNET.TCSB.1\TCS:[new project 1.1.101]DB1,REAL0
OPC.SimaticNET.TCSB.1\TCS:[new project 1.1.101]DB1,REAL2
OPC.SimaticNET.TCSB.1\TCS:[new project 1.1.101]DB1,REAL4

Siemens suggested me to look at the variables with the Matrikon Explorer that allows to change the names of the variables, I did and it worked. 

I tried to do the same with the OPC data logger but I got the problem showed in the attached picture. I use the manual mode to define the variables with the corresponding number at the end as described above.  However, I cannot longer use the Advanced OPC data logger due to this problem.  I think I have to re-install it, but:

Any idea how I can define this variables in the Advanced OPC data logger???

Title: Re: Advanced OPC data logger - Siemens s7-1200
Post by: Arthur Grasin on September 20, 2017, 02:00:00 PM
Could you send us the error report? We'll try to solve this problem.

Title: Re: Advanced OPC data logger - Siemens s7-1200
Post by: natisie on October 13, 2017, 02:00:00 PM

Here is the program protocol file.  This is after I re-installed the software and trying again to configure manually the variables I need to read.

I couldn't find the error report.

Hope this is useful!

Thank you!!

Title: Re: Advanced OPC data logger - Siemens s7-1200
Post by: Arthur Grasin on October 26, 2017, 02:00:00 PM
Unfortunately, this log file is useless. Is it 100% repeatable? If yes, then please, provide a step-by-step instructions.

Title: Re: Advanced OPC data logger - Siemens s7-1200
Post by: natisie on January 19, 2012, 03:22:12 PM
Hi Arthur,

My question is more focused on whether I can actually read the variables I am interested in by adding these manually.  This is, instead of adding the auto detected variable:

OPC.SimaticNET.TCSB.1\TCS:[new project 1.1.101]DB1,REAL*

Change this manually into:

OPC.SimaticNET.TCSB.1\TCS:[new project 1.1.101]DB1,REAL0
OPC.SimaticNET.TCSB.1\TCS:[new project 1.1.101]DB1,REAL4
OPC.SimaticNET.TCSB.1\TCS:[new project 1.1.101]DB1,REAL8

Is this possible with the Advanced OPC data logger?  Do I need to do any special configuration?

Title: Re: Advanced OPC data logger - Siemens s7-1200
Post by: natisie on January 19, 2012, 03:42:27 PM

I just got a email with an updated version of the opcsrc.dll file which I located into the correspondent  program folder.

I still cannot do what I need :(

Title: Re: Advanced OPC data logger - Siemens s7-1200
Post by: Arthur Grasin on January 19, 2012, 03:48:11 PM
I've send a link to an update via email. The problem with manually added tags has been fixed.

Title: Re: Advanced OPC data logger - Siemens s7-1200
Post by: natisie on November 11, 2017, 02:00:00 PM
I have updated the latest opcsrc.dll file I got via email, but I still cannot add a manual variable.  It says that doesn't exist.

Do I need to do something else?

Title: Re: Advanced OPC data logger - Siemens s7-1200
Post by: Arthur Grasin on November 11, 2017, 02:00:00 PM
Please, remove all groups and items from the program configurations and add it again from scratch.

Title: Re: Advanced OPC data logger - Siemens s7-1200
Post by: natisie on November 20, 2017, 02:00:00 PM

I have done the following:
- updated the opcsrc.dll file
- deleted all the groups and variables
- restart the PC
- created again the OPC configuration
- added a manually and a auto detected variables

I got:
19/01/12 14:03:22 OPC interface. Error while initializing the OPC server "OPC.SimaticNET.TCSB.1 (TCS:[new project 1.1.101]PLCConnected) - Access violation at address 0591474E in module 'opcsrc.dll'. Read of address 00000000"
19/01/12 14:06:30 OPC interface. Variable "OPC.SimaticNET.TCSB.1 (TCS:[new project 1.1.101]DB1,REAL0)" doesn't exist!
19/01/12 14:06:40 OPC interface. Error while initializing the OPC server ": Server ProgID must be specified"
19/01/12 14:06:51 OPC interface. Error while initializing the OPC server ": Server ProgID must be specified"

Title: Re: Advanced OPC data logger - Siemens s7-1200
Post by: Arthur Grasin on January 19, 2012, 07:39:52 PM
Please, create a backup of your configuration (from the File menu) and attach it here. I'll verify it.

Title: Re: Advanced OPC data logger - Siemens s7-1200
Post by: natisie on December 08, 2017, 02:00:00 PM
I have attached the backup

Title: Re: Advanced OPC data logger - Siemens s7-1200
Post by: Arthur Grasin on December 19, 2017, 02:00:00 PM
I see only one OPC tag in this configuration that has been added automatically and therefore the tag name contains "*" at the end of the name.