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1  Online Help Center / Data loggers and plug-ins / local database plug-in on: May 24, 2016, 02:00:00 PM
If I use the Create All button, two bad things happen.

1. All item are named OPC item..what's wrong with item1, item2, item3, etc?
2. Parser item names , which become the database field names, use dotted separation even though field names can't have dots in them, e.g.,DSGL.PLC.022 is an invalid field name. To get around this problem I can assign another name under OPC settings the problem is that I have hundreds of items so this only adds time to configuration.

I have hundreds of data points I want to log and to manually enter each item one by one would take days. The Create All button should create usable items.
2  Online Help Center / Data loggers and plug-ins / Re: Advanced OPC Datalogger w/local db module on: April 22, 2016, 02:00:00 PM
Great. Thanks a lot.
3  Online Help Center / Data loggers and plug-ins / Re: Advanced OPC Datalogger w/local db module on: March 22, 2016, 02:00:00 PM
OK here it is....
4  Online Help Center / Data loggers and plug-ins / Advanced OPC Datalogger w/local db module on: November 16, 2011, 08:51:19 PM
With local database type set to MS Access, on the Columns Order screen, I add the first item as Datetime (Parser item name = DATE_TIME_STAMP), and the second as TankTemp1 (Parser item name = AutomationDirect.KEPDirect.V5.Temp1). The database starts sucessfully with a table named SERIAL_DATA, which has two fields named Datetime Stamp, and OPC item.

If I add a third item named Temp2 (Parser item name = AutomationDirect.KEPDirect.V5.TankTemp2) the database field is create but it has no table. Instead I get an error: Local database Could not write to file (Cannot define field more than once). It seems to me that the local db module has a bug that tries to set all field names to OPC item. Is this correct or am I doing something wrong?
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