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1  Online Help Center / Data loggers ActiveX / Re: creating active X on: July 27, 2018, 02:00:00 PM
Thank you again. I was ready to start looking elsewhere for lack of support but honestly, you have the best product I have found. Yes, I will be using ActiveX with the data logger. Please send me code samples for As I previously stated, it will be a simple interface. A textfield to enter data and a button to send the data. I guess I would also need to know how to connect to the datalogger and access the send capability. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks Arthur.
2  Online Help Center / Data loggers and plug-ins / Re: sending data (simple right?) on: July 23, 2018, 02:00:00 PM
Thank you for responding. I still don't see where to send data. Is it because I am in limited console mode?
3  Online Help Center / Data loggers and plug-ins / sending data (simple right?) on: March 05, 2012, 11:19:46 PM
ok - I am going nuts. I was able to send data via the TCP/IP Data Logger on Friday and today I cannot figure out how to do it again. I click/double click on the data view, I'm moving my mouse all over the place and I cannot find where I would be able to input data for sending. I am able to receive data. And I know I did it on Friday....
Please! Please! HELP!
4  Online Help Center / Data loggers ActiveX / creating active X on: March 05, 2012, 08:44:55 PM
I'm new to Active X and am learning everything I can about the Advance TCP/IP Data Logging tools. I have the logger working, I can connect, send and receive data. I'm very pleased with the ease of the program. I now need to take this further. I need to create some kind of interface. I'm hoping Active X will allow me to create the interface with some sort of text field and buttons to send data to my device using your software. Do you have something already in place? Or can you point me to a tutorial or software code that can get me started.
Thanks. Any help/leads would be appreciated.
5  Online Help Center / Data loggers and plug-ins / connecting/communicating to device via wifi -TCP on: March 02, 2012, 09:07:10 PM
I have a device, a micro controller, with its own IPAddress and port, connected to a serial port of a PC for testing. I can access it with an iphone app I wrote and communicate back and forth using sockets on my end and Tera Term for the controller.
I have downloaded your trial version of the TCP logger but cannot seem to connect to the micro-controller. What I am looking to do is connect to the controller and send/receive data at will. I also need to save the data I receive as a file which will be eventually downloaded into a database. Does your software handle this, and if so, what do I exactly need to do. I would love to talk to somebody as well.
I look forward to your response

I figured it out and everything is working fine. Thanks to anyone to took the time to ponder my problem. Smiley
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