Title: Advanced Serial Data Logger - Excel Export Post by: asenna32 on January 15, 2021, 01:09:24 AM I set up Advanced Serial Data Logger on a laptop and was able to easily get data into log files. However, I need to take the data (example below) and export it into a single Excel file that I can then run analytics on. I see the system has the capability to parse data and then Export to Excel, but I just can't seem to figure out how to set it up right. The data below includes all of the variables that I have to deal with in the incoming data. The only delimiter that I see is variable amount of spaces. I also attached a sample file in case that helps. In the end, I would like to have a single Excel file with column headings and each piece of data within a row split out (Date, Time, Room#, Alarm Type, Call Type). I would also be happy to extract an entire row of data and place it in a new row in Excel each time a new line comes in. Any help would be appreciated.
Sample data: 01/13/21 14:15:20 137. PERS ATTN CALL PLACED 01/13/21 14:16:03 137. PERS ATTN CALL CANCELLED 01/13/21 14:27:01 134. PERS ATTN CALL PLACED 01/13/21 14:28:11 134. PERS ATTN CALL CANCELLED 01/13/21 14:32:26 144 BATH CALL PLACED 01/13/21 14:33:54 144 BATH CALL CANCELLED 01/13/21 14:34:55 137. PERS ATTN CALL PLACED 01/13/21 14:35:34 137. PERS ATTN CALL CANCELLED 01/13/21 14:45:43 154. PERS ATTN CALL PLACED 01/13/21 14:46:19 154. PERS ATTN CALL CANCELLED 01/13/21 14:51:26 154 BATH CALL PLACED 01/13/21 14:52:02 154 BATH CALL CANCELLED 01/13/21 15:27:07 141. PERS ATTN CALL PLACED 01/13/21 15:31:58 141. PERS ATTN CALL CANCELLED 01/13/21 15:32:00 141 ALARM CALL PLACED 01/13/21 15:32:07 141 ALARM CALL CANCELLED 01/13/21 15:32:08 141 ALARM CALL PLACED Title: Re: Advanced Serial Data Logger - Excel Export Post by: Arthur Grasin on January 15, 2021, 07:02:39 AM Hello,
If you want to extract the entire row and send it to Excel, you do not need parsing using delimiters. You should only specify line ending characters. Please, look here: https://www.aggsoft.com/asdl-barcode-data-logger.htm If you want to split data to separate columns, you may do the following: Date, Time, Room - you may extract this data from a fixed position using the ASCII Data Parser plugin. Alarm type - use the following regular expression in ASCII Data Parser [\d\.]{3,}\ {2,}(.+?)\ {2} Call type - use the following regular expression \ {2,}(.+)$ Maybe, fields in your data are delimited by the TAB ASCII character. Then you may extract data using it. Title: Re: Advanced Serial Data Logger - Excel Export Post by: asenna32 on January 20, 2021, 08:16:44 PM Thanks for the reply. I followed the advice, but can't seem to get a clean output. I did find out what the delimiters look like for this data (please see attachment). The lines use a variable amount of spaces between the data elements and then a carriage return at the end. I would like to know what plugin would take this type of data and produce a clean CSV with each element in its own column (treating consecutive delimiters as one). I also need a little help understanding what settings to place in the plugin to get these results. If there is a simple way to remove the period that sometimes shows up after the room# that would be great as well.
I have spent around 5 hours playing with different plugins and settings and just can't seem to get it right. Any detailed help would be appreciated. Title: Re: Advanced Serial Data Logger - Excel Export Post by: Arthur Grasin on January 21, 2021, 07:06:09 AM What device does output this data? We can prepare a custom parser module for it.
Also, I can connect to your computer remotely and help with setup. Please, open a ticket at https://support.aggsoft.com/, and we'll schedule an appropriate time. Title: Re: Advanced Serial Data Logger - Excel Export Post by: asenna32 on January 21, 2021, 08:07:06 PM I sent in a ticket to Tech Support as requested. It has sample log files of the actual data along with a detailed description of the system and our needs. I would also really like to have you remote in as well to look at my settings.
Thanks so much for the great support. |