AGG Software Forums

Online Help Center => Data loggers and plug-ins => Topic started by: terra-g on May 14, 2009, 02:22:14 PM

Title: transmit "Lat, Long" on com port from parsed NMEA string in real-time
Post by: terra-g on May 14, 2009, 02:22:14 PM

I would like to parse the Lat and Long from an NMEA GGA string coming on COM 1 and then transmit it on COM 2.  Is this possible?  If so, what are the steps/modules I require?  Do I need to use the DDE or OPC Server?



Title: Re: transmit "Lat, Long" on com port from parsed NMEA string in real-time
Post by: Arthur Grasin on May 14, 2009, 02:47:22 PM
Hello Terry,

Yes, it is possible. You need

You need:

1. The Enterprise or trial version of the logger;
2. Create 2 different configurations (COM1, COM2);
3. For COM1 activate the "Redirect data" filter plug-in ( This plug-in can send data from a parser variable to a port of another configuration;
4. If you need to combine a string from NMEA values, then activate the "Expressions" plug-in, place it before the the "Data redirector" filter plug-in and make a corresponding expression.

Title: Re: transmit "Lat, Long" on com port from parsed NMEA string in real-time
Post by: terra-g on May 14, 2009, 03:22:57 PM
OK, that is helpful.  How do I parse the NMEA string to give ONLY:
"GGA_Latitude, GGA_Longitude"
In that format?

Thanks again!

Title: Re: transmit "Lat, Long" on com port from parsed NMEA string in real-time
Post by: Arthur Grasin on May 14, 2009, 05:22:44 PM
What our logger do you use? NMEA logger?

Title: Re: transmit "Lat, Long" on com port from parsed NMEA string in real-time
Post by: terra-g on May 14, 2009, 05:52:03 PM
yes, NMEA logger.  I can see the variable names but I don't know how to stream ONLY:
to the output COM port.

I don't want any other data streamed.  It's because my program only wants position data streamed in that format; it doesn't recognice NMEA.

Title: Re: transmit "Lat, Long" on com port from parsed NMEA string in real-time
Post by: Arthur Grasin on May 14, 2009, 06:10:47 PM
Please, look for attached images. I've verified it.