Title: Com Port Stress Test - Usage Post by: liva on August 16, 2012, 01:36:22 AM Hi,
What the "Out", the "In" and "Speed" means? Should the "Speed" would mean the actual achieved speed between the two COM ports, i.e. sent on one and received on the other? I actually want to test a serial link, send from one COM port and receive on the other. I need to test as much as possible. So the actual achieved speed, error rate, eventually delay or other metrics. Is there a way to see if there were any errors during the transmission between the ports? Thanks, Liviu Title: Re: Com Port Stress Test - Usage Post by: Arthur Grasin on August 16, 2012, 07:58:31 AM 1. Yes, you are right.
2. If an error will appear it will be outputted to log. |