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Online Help Center / Advanced Serial Port Monitor / Has anyone experienced this....
on: December 18, 2013, 11:00:00 AM
Hi, I wrote a bit of code using .NET 3.0 serial class to test some boards It worked fine tested the boards. Next batch came along I had Advance Serial Port Monitor open in the back ground test the boards closed the port went on looked at Serial Port Monitor it seemed to be picking up sudden burst of data and the port was reopened at 9600,8,n,1 were as my app had been using 38400,7,n,1, the data in Question is #16C ? The PC then suffered an 'Error' (according to the Event Viewer) and rebooted Windows. It appears as though my code is stable and this only happens with Advance Serial Port Monitor in spy mode. Anybody any clues???
Mmmm, just had another power/crash it appears as though if you open ASP in spy mode without any other code running it gives the following #16C [len=2] <20110325 15:09.14:501 SYS> Baud rate 9600 <20110325 15:09.14:501 SYS> RTS on <20110325 15:09.14:516 SYS> DTR on <20110325 15:09.14:516 SYS> Data bits=8, Stop bits=1, Parity=None <20110325 15:09.14:532 SYS> Set chars: Eof=0x00, Error=0x00, Break=0x00, Event=0x00, Xon=0x11, Xoff=0x13 <20110325 15:09.14:532 SYS> Handflow: ControlHandShake=1, FlowReplace=64, XonLimit=2048, XoffLimit=512 <20110325 15:09.14:548 TX> #16C [len=2] <20110325 15:09.14:548 SYS> COM port is closed
starting at 115200 running down to 9600 it just repeats help!! Glenn