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1  Online Help Center / Software for DNC and CNC / Settings required for Air Liquide Digisaf 510 (Burny 10 LCD) on: September 16, 2011, 06:33:37 PM
Can anyone advise the appropriate settings for use with a Burny 10 LCD controller?

We have an Air Liquide Digisaf 510 plasma cutter, which uses the Burny 10 LCD controller. I have installed an RS232 link back to a PC in the workshop office (Windows XP SP3, running a trial of DNC Precision). But I cannot get a drawing to load from the PC to the plasma machine, either with DNC Precision in server mode or in manual mode.

I have checked the RS232 link in both directions using a loopback plug. It works. I works both with the loopback plug at the PC end and using the Serial Test function on the Burny, and with the loopback plug at the Burny end and using a test program from the PC. So I guess I haven't found the correct settings.

Anyone else got DNC Precision to work with a Burny 10 LCD?
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