The equipment is made by Kurtz - is a polystyrol production line. Computer is made by Siemens . Exact type of scale is PR 1590/24 made by Sartorius Hamburg GmbH. Data is collected from a resial interface that also send this string to a printer.
15.07.2014 09:27 087.4 kg 1325 <00> <00><0D> 15.07.2014 09:36 129.9 kg 1326 <00> <00><0D> 15.07.2014 09:40 134.2 kg 1327 <00> <00><0D> 15.07.2014 09:43 136.3 kg 1328 <00> <00><0D> 15.07.2014 09:47 137.3 kg 1329 <00> <00><0D> 15.07.2014 09:51 138.1 kg 1330 <00> <00><0D>
I want to export this string into an excel and/or SQL database. I've tried to use the tutorial from "Log weight from a scale to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (data at enumerated positions)" but without success. The difference between this tutorial and my data string is that in tutorial the delimiter is "," (comma) and in my data is "space". I used as Field Delimiter the "space" but data is not splitted.
I'm trying to use advanced serial data logger with a weight scale. This scale RS232 port is also connected to a serial printer. For use with a computer only receiving, I've made a spplit serial cable, with only gnd and tx connected to computer (and yes, the cable is TX->RX - tested and is working between 2 computers). The problem is that the software is briefly show "received 14 bits" but nothing is displayed on screen. Also if enable Spy Mode, it display when receiving data "UART error" COM settings are 9600/8/none/1 same as weight scale settings But
Using another RS232 logger software, is working ok and this is shown :
24.06.2014 13:40 066.2 kg 2773 <00> <00><0D>
Can someone guide me what I do wrong?
This data is wanted into an SQL database on a server and as I see, aggsoft is almost the only one soft that can do this.