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Online Help Center / Data loggers and plug-ins / ASDL and Excel plugin
on: March 05, 2020, 08:01:48 AM
I am currently using the ASDL and RS232 ActiveX to read a sequence of voltages from a mV meter and to parse the received data into an excel spreadsheet. I use 'current active cell' and the 'move' option to place the data. The length of the sequence is variable and the data collection automatically stops when a predefined condition is met. This all works on the first run.
Before starting a new measurement sequence, I reset the active cell in the excel worksheet. However, it appears that this reset is not registered by the ASDL. The new sequence is added on to the previous one. I have disabled the option for 'saving last write position'. Also tried pausing and restarting the serial port. I am still working with the trial version of the most current versions of the ASDL and RS232 ActiveX.
Online Help Center / Data loggers ActiveX / Excel and ActiveX data query
on: February 23, 2020, 08:48:56 AM
I'm using the asdl with a generic multimeter which is connected to the com port...RS232. For the data query, I have setup a button using the asdl query module that sends a predefined command string to the multimeter. It takes a few moments after the query command has been sent for the mV signal to stabilize...anywhere between 10 and 30s. Once the signal has stabilized, a data string is sent to the serial port, read by the asdl, properly formated and parsed into the excel spreadsheet. I am using the ASCII module for data query and parsing. My understanding is, that the data query could be done from within the excel environment using a VBA macro and the RS232 logger ActiveX addition. Is there some kind of tutorial or example code available. Thx
Online Help Center / Data loggers and plug-ins / OpenOffice module
on: February 11, 2020, 03:58:54 AM
I have downloaded and installed the trial version of the ASDL on a Windows XP machine. I am also running the latest OpenOffice version. The issue I am having is with exporting data received on the serial port (COM1) into the OpenOffice spreadsheet. This is the dialog
1. DDE Server. Data have been processed successfully 2. Direct OpenOffice Connections. Data have been processed successfully 3. Direct OpenOffice Connections. Unable to create workbook.
The application briefly opens the OpenOffice spreadsheet and closes it again right away. Is this a limitation of the trial version?