I am looking to capture SMDR from Mitel 3300 to SQL so I can search the database for specific fields. I have not purchased yet but want to ensure this will do what I need. I would like to just deliver the data to the database by field so I can pull reports. I am looking at running real time reports without any delays so this would need delivered direct to SQL. Here is a coppy of the SMDR string as it comes out. this is not for a test only it would be running in a production mode. is there any documents outlining what I need to do.
-04/24 09:10:01 0000:06:00 T9998 **** P157 957 SP157 I P161 001 2016005045 1125 E0013292 A
04/24 09:13:18 0000:02:45 7012 7012 4025078376 A T9998 001 17012 A0016671 A
04/24 09:11:50 0000:04:19 5555 5555 9137821529 A T9998 001 15555 A0017367 A
04/24 09:14:23 0000:01:48 T9998 **** P135 935 P135 001 8156707871 7190 C0013140 A
04/24 09:14:42 0000:01:32 1044 1044 3406429778 A T9998 001 11044 C0016292 A
04/24 09:15:14 0000:01:02 6104 6104 6155254316 A T9998 001 16104 A0013635 A